Read It Later, yet an other GTK & Rust application
Late last year, I wanted to find an application that I can try the Rust async features with it. I started looking for a service that had a nice Rust API wrapper already and I started prototyping Read It Later on top of wallabag-rs.
Read It Later, is a well designed Wallabag client. It’s built with Rust, GTK & libhandy on the UI side. It’s fully adaptive which makes it Linux on pocket ready and also comes with a beautiful icon designed by Tobias Bernard.
Screenshot taken using App Icon Preview
It allows you to do the basic things:
- Login/Logout/Sync
- Add/Favorite/Archive/Delete an article
- Dark Mode Reader
- Adaptive UI
You can grab it already from Flathub at If you would like to contribute, the source code is available at
So far, writing apps with GTK & Rust have been a fun experience. GNOME Builder & Flatpak made the developer experience smooth 🙂